The complete course to making Projector ready patterns

You will learn the exact sizes, line weights, line colors, text size, and how to easily convert an existing pattern to a digital projector pattern that you can sell in this growing niche.

Want glowing reviews like these?

"It has a ton of options and the projector file is so amazing" -Conversation starter in Sewing Patterns for Projectors FB group

"I loooove working with these patterns...their files are such a pleasure to work with! This company is relatively new, but so nice to work with, the lines are amazing, the grid is in metric and inches....I wish all projector pattern designers had this "unfolded" pattern option in their projector files!"-Group post on the Projectors for sewing FB group

"But seriously, this company has some AMAZING projector files. Some of the best" --Group post in Projectors for sewing FB group

(these are actual reviews from the FB groups, with company & design names removed)

You can find out what features customers are looking for in projector files from this course.

Full video screenshots

This course features full video screenshots of the entire process so you can follow along. The most recent Adobe Illustrator CC was used.


Loads of useful handouts and printable guides:

-Illustrator keyboard short cuts

-Instruction guide

-Projector pattern reference guide

-Workflow guide


Access to downloadable Illustrator and Inkscape templates that can be branded with your own logo, designs, and name to save you time.

Example Curriculum

  Course intro and Projector file overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Prepping Illustrator
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Converting your designs to Projector files: the meat and potatoes of the course
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bonus: Digitizing paper patterns
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Inkscape: additional things you need
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Templates and Printable Hand Outs
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Using projectors for sewing- resources for everything you need to know
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

Want to get into a new niche with the patterns you already have?

Using projectors for patterns is a new and growing niche with many sewers and makers converting to only using the projector to project patterns onto fabric. If you aren't selling projector files yet, here's the course for you! If you are selling projector files, the projector file basics, the included Projector Quick Reference guide, and the Features that wow sections will be for you. I've tried to pack in as much value as possible, with exact steps and shortcuts to take to quickly convert existing patterns into projector files.